Location: Room # 640 Brooklyn Heights, NY
Time: 3:52 PM
Date: 08/31/2009
Who: My cement walls and I
Caption: "I didn't have class today, since my schedule is from Tuesday through Thursday so I decided to continue decorating my room. I realized I didn't bring enough pictures, so if anyone comes to visit me, please bring me pictures to add. I would like to fill my entire desk area, since it seems to be pretty bland these white-wash walls. So clean, I hate it. Oh yeah, my plant's name is Martin. I ask him everyday, "Martin, are you thirsty?"
Also, a few Kitten and Boogies (Ophelia) remembrance pictures because I misses them so muches."
Time: 3:52 PM
Date: 08/31/2009
Who: My cement walls and I
Caption: "I didn't have class today, since my schedule is from Tuesday through Thursday so I decided to continue decorating my room. I realized I didn't bring enough pictures, so if anyone comes to visit me, please bring me pictures to add. I would like to fill my entire desk area, since it seems to be pretty bland these white-wash walls. So clean, I hate it. Oh yeah, my plant's name is Martin. I ask him everyday, "Martin, are you thirsty?"
Also, a few Kitten and Boogies (Ophelia) remembrance pictures because I misses them so muches."
(click for a larger image)
How's Martin?
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