a walk through Central Park

Location: Central Park, NY
Time: 3:05 PM
Date: 8/30/2009
Who: Just me
Caption: "After sitting and reading near my dorms I decided to get up and go sit in a grassy field in Central Park. I was amazed to find the amount of people there at the specific area I chose to go to (near 72nd Street) but I still had a good time reading in the shade. It was pretty warm and I FINALLY found a restroom there. At least now I have it bookmarked in my phone as to where it is."

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abducted to Times Square

Location: The #2 Train around Chambers Street
Time: 1:40 m
Date: 8/30/2009
Who: Me and my new "friends" Nicole, Nicole and Emilie from the Art Institute
Caption: "I met these girls in the elevator around 11PM, they invited me to go eat with them in Times Square, so instead of going back to my room for the night I decided I would be up for the challenge. I had fun, Nicole threw up in a trash for no reason and I found out that 18 year olds on their own for the first time really are obnoxious. Not to mention, they totally invaded my personal space and phone."

(click for a larger image)

a walk to the river

Location: Brooklyn Heights, NY
Time: 5:06 PM
Date: 8/26/09
Who: Manhattan Skyline from Brooklyn and the Brooklyn Bridge
Caption: "I thought that the boats would have to go slower and I thought the buildings were a lot shorter when I was actually next to them. And this view is only a short 2 minute walk from the St. George."

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