a night in washington square park and getting smashed at a gay bar at 4PM

Location: Washington Square Park
Time: 8PM
Date: 9/5/2009
Who: The sword-swallowing, tricyclist
Caption: "Ben and I got smashed by 5:30PM at his favorite gay bar. Then we met up with people around 8:30 and got kicked out of some bars because I was underage, lols."

(click for a larger image)

homework and first friday at school

Location: Room 640 and NYCDA (19th Street)
Time: around 4PM
Date: 9/4/2009
Who: my floor and my class (section 8, aka, the baller group) and a really cute kitty
Caption: "I had a lot of homework (and still do) but I got most of my class in this picture, pretty hard to do mischievously."
(click for a larger image)

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